20.2 C
New York
Monday, April 29, 2024
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    University-industry collaboration and innovation in emergent and mature industries in new industrialized countries

    With the changing dynamics of the economies and technology advances of new industrialised countries, national universities and public research organisations play a critical role in helping local firms move into more compelling and high-opportunity industries. However, the characteristics of collaboration with universities may vary depending on the type of activities industry partners are engaged in.

    Knowledge networks are weak in emerging industries with a lack of public support for research projects. As such, in comparison to mature industries, university research and development projects with firms in emergent industries are less likely to be the result of academic initiatives and public calls for research projects, or to receive sponsorships from major public research organisations.

    Click here to read the full academic journal.

    Participate in the upcoming QS WorldClass 2018 from 16-18 April 2018.

    This is an event organised exclusively for senior higher education leaders and key industry partners. Interested in making a change to the higher education world? Come join us in Abu Dhabi as we discuss on the “Changes in University/Industry Interaction”.