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EMPEX 18th Edition 2019 – Industrial Linkage Initiative between UiTM and Malaysian Real Estate Industry Players

EMPEX 18th Edition 2019 with the theme ‘Converging Technologies in Industrial Revolution’ which is in line with the advancement of technology through Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) was held at the Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, (FSPU) UniversitiTeknologi MARA, (UiTM) ShahAlam, Malaysia on 10th December 2019.  This event which is totally handled by the Semester 5 students from the Bachelor of Estate Management (Hons) degree programme, has been organized since April 2010 and this year marks the 18th year.

The event requires the students to come out with a proposal of industrial and mixed-use development with the application of the theme in the proposed property development project. Numerous interesting ideas were proposed by the students on offering spaces with revolutionized technologies equipped with Building Automation System and other advancement of building technology system features that can be applied in the property development process.

The project also introduced and exposed the students to experience the role of property consultants by conducting the Market and Feasibility Study on a given proposed site. Here, the students were required to apply their knowledge on methods of valuation especially their theoretical skills on development appraisal in determining the ‘highest and best use’ development for the site. The completed task of the projects were presented in the exhibition with panel of assessors from various backgrounds including academicians and registered valuers from the public and private sectors including from Valuation and Property Services Department of Malaysia (JabatanPenilaianPerkhidmatanHarta – JPPH), National Institute of Valuation (InstitutPenilaian Negara – INSPENS), Ian Scott Property International SdnBhdand MN Associates Sdn. Bhd.

The continuous collaboration and linkages endeavor through EMPEX between UiTM and the Malaysian real estate industry players gave a huge impact to both parties where the student learn to be a professional and on the other hand, the real estate players can contribute to the student’s knowledge and long life learning. ForEMPEX 18th Edition 2019 the students felt very honoured to have main industry players such as Ian Scott International Malaysia as the main sponsor for the event this semester. The Estate Management Property Exhibition (EMPEX) is indeed a very beneficial method of exposure for the final year students of Bachelor in Estate Management (Hons) in gaining a first hand experience of the real estate industry. The event is also very significant for the continuous collaboration and industrial linkage initiative between UiTM and the Malaysian real estate industry players.

“Reconnect your World with Industrial Linkages”


Prepared by :Sr. Dr. Hafiszah Ismail, UiTM

Edited by :Assoc Prof. Dr.GeethaSubramaniam, Fellow InQKA, UiTM