One of the missions of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) is to professionally organize education, research and community development. In their journey to fulfill this mission, UMY managed to achieve three stars in the Mandiri cluster in the research category, and the Excellence cluster in the service category. This shows that UMY can compete and has excelled on a national level.
These achievements are based on the results of the Research Performance and Social Service Scoring Performed by the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Innovation Research Agency in 2019.
When interviewed in his office, Rector of UMY Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP gave an explanation regarding UMY’s achievements in the field of research and social service. “We are grateful that UMY’s performance continues to increase from year to year. This achievement in the field of research and social service in 2019 is proof of said increase. This achievement is in line with the tridarma of higher education, namely education, research, and social service. In 2016, UMY successfully entered the main clusters of the research category, and this year UMY, successfully entered the independent clusters, “Gunawan explained on Friday (11/22)
As the Rector of UMY, Gunawan hopes that the output of research products and social service could increase, and more research conducted by UMY academic community can be published in national and international journals.
Like Gunawan, the UMY Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Dr. Ir. Sukamta. S.T., M.T stated that the Higher Education Research Performance Evaluation report of UMY was based on the assessment taken in 2016-2018. “The implementation of a research performance analysis conducted by Ristekdikti is based on data submitted by universities through the online Research and Social Service Information System (Simlitabmas). Based on data obtained from the Ministry of Ristekdikti, in this 4th period, 1977 Universities under the Ministry of Ristekdikti submitted research performance data consisting of 115 PTN and 1807 PTS, “Sukamta explained when interviewed by the Journalist team of the UMY Office of Human Resources and Protocol.
“UMY is one of the independent universities in the research category, marked by an assessment score that is above the national average. UMY ranked 34th and won three gold stars among 1977 universities in Indonesia. In addition, UMY is also the 2nd best PTS in DIY and the 2nd best PTM in Indonesia, “he added.
Dr. Adhianty Nurjanah, S. Sos, M.Si, the Head of the Social Service Division of the UMY Office of Research, Publication, Publishing and Social Service (LP3M) added some information regarding the acquisition of excellence clusters in the field of Social Service. “The clustering achieved was based on the results of the research on the performance of social service and the Decree of the Director-General of Research and Development Empowerment number 29 / E / KPT / 2019 on (27/9). UMY is ranked 19th, outperforming in the social service category among other Private and Public Universities. UMY managed to move up two levels from last year, where we placed in the satisfying cluster,” Adhianty explained.
She also stated that the social services achievement proves that the UMY performance regarding social services is in line with the DIKTI standards, which was based on the Aspects of Human Resources, Services, Service Management, and Social Services Output.
“The number of UMY lecturers that participated in social services increases from year to year. This year, UMY added one internal social services scheme, namely social services based on the Muhammadiyah organization, a trademark of UMY Social Services,” She closed. (CDL)