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Monday, October 14, 2024
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    Business Economics Students UiTM and their Experience beyond the Classroom

    Final semester students from BBA (Hons) Business Economics from the Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia had a great experience getting first-hand information on youth issues during their recent academic trip to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia.

    The academic trip on 15th October 2019, was organized by 42 final semester students under the supervision of Associate Professor Zahariah Mohd Zain from the Department of Economics and Financial Studies. Students were given an exposure to the agencies under the Ministry of Youth and Sports.  Some of the federal agencies include the National Sports Council Malaysia (NSC), National Sport Institute (ISN), Malaysia Stadium Corporation (MSC) and International Youth Centre (IYC).

    During a meet-up session with the ministry officers,  the students were informed regarding two youth programmes by the Ministry namely, the Perdana and Corporate Fellows internship programme for undergraduates and graduates. The Perdana Fellows Programme is Malaysia’s most prestigious youth leadership programme which connects the youth and the Cabinet Ministers of Malaysia. These programmes are an effort from the ministry to seek excellent future leaders among youth. Students were also encouraged to witness the debate among youth during the “Parlimen Belia” debate at the Parliment where issues among youth were highlighted and debated among themselves.

    The students were finally given a tour of the Ministry. The students gained valuable insights about the athletes that represent Malaysia in various sports. The session ended with a Q & A session between the students and the corporate officers in the Ministry.

    The students were very happy with the trip as they highlighted that “we gained invaluable insights about the athletes that represented Malaysia in various sports”. Besides, “we also were able to learn about the issues of mental health and socioeconomic problems faced by the youth in this nation”.  We really enjoyed the trip as “we all gained a lot of information regarding the role of the ministry in developing youth in the nation.”

     “Reconnect your World through Experience beyond the Classroom”


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     Prepared By: Assoc. Prof. Zahariah Zain, UiTM

    Edited by:     Dr.Nur Zahidah Bahrudin, UiTM

                         Assoc.Prof Dr,Geetha Subramaniam, Fellow InQKA,UiTM